The following states the Provider’s present general policies concerning collection, use and dissemination of information concerning Users. It is not a warranty, guarantee or agreement. This policy statement does not state the policies of persons or companies that Provider does not control or own, or of people that Provider does not employ or manage.
Cookie Technology. “Cookies” are small files text placed on Users’ hard drive. Provider may employ cookie technology to enable Provider to recognize Users and/or User privileges on this Web Site. Provider may offer functions that are only available through the use of a cookie. Cookies may permit Users to use limited access portions of this Web Site without having to log on each time. Users may decline cookies if their User browser permits. However, declining cookies may prevent User use of certain functions.
Collection of Information. Provider may collect information from or about Users for many reasons. Provider may collect information about usage, including but not limited to, listing information, advertising, buying and selling. Provider may collect information which may include identifying information, debit/credit history from both internal usage and third parties, and credit card information. Provider may collect transmissions, data entry, e-mails or other communications. Provider may track User behavior on the Web Site. Provider may also collect information concerning Users from Third parties.
Responding to Do Not Track Signals. Provider does not track Consumers over time and across third party Web Sites, and therefore does not respond to do not track signals.
Children. This Website is not for use by children, or anyone under the age of 21.
Providers’ Use of Information. Provider may use information collected from or about Users for many reasons. Provider uses information to track and evaluate usage, make business decisions, make policy decisions, make credit decisions, communicate with Users, resolve potential or actual disputes, collect sums due Provider, enforce polices, comply with laws and regulations, and enforce agreements. Provider may send Users e-mails about services and products Provider believes may be of interest to User. User may opt-out of future e-mails about products or services by following instructions, on our Web Site, or contained in an email that User receives from Provider. Provider reserves the right, however, to e-mail User important information relating to User’s account and/or transactions and/or usage. Provider reserves the right to investigate complaints or reported violations of our agreements and to take any action Provider deems appropriate including but not limited to reporting any suspected or actual unlawful or unethical activity to law enforcement officials, regulators, or other third parties and/or disclosing any information necessary or appropriate to such persons or entities.
Providers’ Disclosure of Information. Provider may disclose information collected from or about, Users for many reasons. Provider does not warrant, guarantee or agree that information a User considers private will never be disclosed, including in ways not otherwise addressed in this policy statement. This could include, for instance, providing information to the government or third parties under certain circumstances such as by subpoena. Further, third parties may intercept or access transmissions or communications or third parties may collect information from this Web Site.
Information Concerning Consumers. In general, Provider does not publically disclose any personally identifiable information about consumers to any third party.
Correction of Consumer Information. Request for amendments to any personal data that is collected must be made in writing to the email addresses on the “contact us” page on this site. Requests must include sufficient information to identify the Consumer, and include a mailing address.
Changes. This privacy policy may be changes at any time. Changes will appear on this page, with the effective date of change included.
Effective Date: 9-1-19