There’s lots going on in Napa!

Art walks. Farmers markets. Concerts. Cultural Events, and much, much more. Your search starts here, in our Napa Events Guide.
Weekly Events
Oxbow Public Market. Everyday. 7:30am to 9:30pm. 610 & 644 First Street Napa.
Napa Farmers Market. 8:00am. Across 1st Street from Oxbow, Napa. Summers.
St. Helena Farmers’ Market. 7:30am. Crane Park, St. Helena. Summers.
Napa Farmers Market. 8:00am. Across 1st Street from Oxbow, Napa. Summers.
Annual Events
Auction Napa Valley – Napa Valley Wine Auction. Dates Vary by Year. For more info: auctionnapavalley.org
Napa County Fair & Fireworks. July 4th. Napa County Fairgrounds. Calistoga
Parade. July 4th. 11:00am. Cedar Street to Lincoln Avenue to Fairway, Calistoga
Fireworks. July 4th. Crane Park, St Helena
Fireworks. July 4th. Veteran’s Park Napa-Downtown, Napa
Fireworks. July 4th. Community Park II, American Canyon.
Fireworks. July 4th. Long Meadow Ranch
US Holidays
January Jan 1, New Year’s Day, National Holiday. Jan 6, Day of the Holy Kings, Christian. 3rd Monday, Martin Luther King Day, National Holiday.
February Feb 14, Valentine’s Day, Observance. 3rd Monday, President’s Day, National Holiday.
March Wednesday 46 days before Easter, Ash Wednesday, Observance, Christian.
April Sunday before Easter, Palm Sunday Observance, Christian. Friday before Easter, Good Friday, Bank Holiday. 4th Saturday, Holy Saturday, Observance. First Sunday after the first full moon on or after the vernal equinox. Easter Day Observance, Christian.
May May 5, Cinco de Mayo, Observance. 3rd Sunday, Mother’s Day, Observance. 39 days after Easter Sunday, Ascension Day, Christian. Last Monday, Memorial Day, National Holiday.
June 3rd Sunday of June, Father’s Day, Observance. Seventh Sunday after Easter, Pentecost, Christian. Eighth Thursday after Easter, Corpus Christi, Christian.
July July 4, Independence Day, National Holiday.
August Aug 15, Assumption of Mary, Christian.
September 1st Monday, Labor Day, National Holiday. Sep 15, Shout of Dolores, Christian .
October Oct 12, Columbus Day, Observance. Oct 31, Halloween.
November Nov 11, Veterans Day, National Holliday. 4thThursday, Thanksgiving, National Holiday. Sunday before Advent,Christ the King Day, Christian.
December Dec 8, Feast of the Immaculate, Christian. Dec 25, Christmas Day, National Holiday, Christian. Dec 28, Day of the Holy Innocents, Christian.
Napa Events Directory A to Z
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